
Test for Trash or Delete

Woman using a digital pen inking to review a resume Word document using HP Spectre X360

10 proven tips for building better resumes

Updating or creating a resume can feel daunting. The 10 resume writing tips can help you stand out from other candidates.

a research paper being viewed on a Acer TravelMate B311 2-in-1 on desk with pad of paper.

How to write an introduction for a research paper

Research paper introductions do a lot of work. From scope, context and importance; learn how to effectively write a research paper introduction.

an illistration of a hand coming out of a computer screen drawing a big X in red ink on a paper

Common Grammatical Errors and How to Avoid Them

Explore common grammatical errors and learn how to avoid them with the help of this guide to grammar mistakes from Microsoft 365.



a man holding his glasses while staring at his laptop screen.

Retirement Savings Benchmarks By Age

Learn the popular age-based retirement savings benchmarks with this overview from Microsoft 365. See how much you should save for retirement.

Family outside leaving home on the go with mobile professional father carrying Lenovo Yoga C930 with his 2 student kids.

Buying your first home and building long-term wealth

Buying your first home is easier than you think. Follow the tips in this article to develop a realistic budget and savings plan to save for a down payment.

Family at home in sofa with mobile professional mother on Surface Pro, father and son on Surface Go.

How paying off your mortgage early can lead to financial freedom

Should you pay off your mortgage early? Review important considerations and steps you can take to gain increased financial freedom and security.

Male student outside on the go working on RazorBlade.

Lease or buy a car: Pros and cons before getting your next vehicle

Should you lease or buy a car? Making this large financial decision requires a review of the pros and cons of both options.



a person wearing a headset setting up a webcam

Keeping it real during virtual chats, meetings and presentations

People and ideas can seem very different, even hollow, on virtual calls and chats. Here are three virtual presentation tips to help keep it real.

Three females in a medium conference room featuring an Poly Teams Meeting Rooms touch display with the Teams Meeting pre-join screen in view.

Four job interview tips to ensure success

Job interviews are crucial to finding the right match between employers and employees. Here are 4 tips to prepare for an interview and land your dream job.

a young female designer working in her office looking at diferent colored sticky notes on a board

Manifest Your Picture of the Future with a Vision Board

Learn how to make a vision board with this guide from Microsoft 365. Whether your board is physical or digital, crafting one can help you realize your goals.

Woman in wheelchair persuading a group of listeners.

How not to persuade someone in 5 agonizing steps

Ahhh, persuasive arguments. We hear people make them all the time. How come we're rarely convinced? Learn how to argue persuasively—and how not to.



A template of a calendar with icons of timers, tweets, paper airplanes, emoticons, and alert messages.

It's not just for brands! How you can use a social media calendar

Social media content calendars aren't just for YouTubers, celebs and brands! See how you can use a social media post calendar to boost your connections.

Two girls looking at their laptop and smiling.

5 cool things you can do with cloud backup

The perks that come along with backing up your computer to the cloud go way beyond just storing and safeguarding files. Here are 5 cool cloud backup benefits.

a person writing studying notes on a tablet.

How to make an online study guide

Studying can be stressful. That’s where study guides come in handy. This article explores how online study guides can help—and how to create your own.

a young adult student presenting in PowerPoint on Dell Inspiron 7000.

Make group projects go smoother with these tips

Group projects can be educational and fun, but they can also be stressful. Read this article to learn how to make them run smoothly every time.


Privacy & Safety

a woman working on dining room table with a Lenovo ThinkPad X1

Choosing cloud storage options and providers

Cloud storage is reliable, flexible, and easy to use. But how do you choose a solution? Read this article to learn all about cloud storage.

Mother and sons inside home hanging out while using laptop.

Phone monitoring apps and protecting your family in the digital age

Phone monitoring apps give families increased security and state of mind when using technology. Learn about their key features, how to choose the right app.

a male student inside home, smiling, and looking at his phone.

Password management: protection and ease of use

Safe passwords have never been more important. Read this article to learn how to protect your passwords—and create a good one in the first place.

an adult looking at Microsoft 365 Family Safety app on mobile inside home

Choosing a parental control app that works for you

Parental control apps help to keep your family safe while they explore the online world. Choosing a parental control app that works for you is paramount.


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